Pietersite Tumblestone
Size: Small to medium
The Key Words to describe Pietersite are: Insight; Intuition; Increased power of the will; Precognition; Inter-dimensional travel; Self-transformation
Pietersite’s Element is Storm
It works on the Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd) and the Third Eye Chakra (6th)
COLOUR: Golden brown to grey-blue
APPEARANCE: Mottled, iridescent. Often small. Tumbled.
ATTRIBUTES: Known as the Tempest Stone because of its connection to the storm element, Pietersite is a fairly recent discovery. It links everyday consciousness to the spiritual. It promotes walking your own truth. It releases mental and verbal conditioning – beliefs imposed in the past by authority figures such as parents and rule makers – and dispels spiritual illusions.
SPIRITUAL MEANING: Pietersite is a spiritual activation stone. It helps you to move forward by finding new directions when the way feels blocked or when you feel unable to see your path. It grounds and activates the entire chakra system.
EMOTIONAL MEANING: Pietersite can ‘light a fire’ under your base chakra giving you the resolve to take action and change your life. It can help you to become fearless and overcome uncertainty and indecision.
HEALING: Pietersite stimulates the pituitary gland, balancing the endocrine system and the production of hormones that govern metabolism, blood pressure, growth, sex and temperature. It helps the lungs, liver, intestines, feet and legs and promotes absorption of nutrients from food. This stone clears the dis-ease caused by exhaustion in those who have no time to rest
POSITION: Place or hold as appropriate.
PLEASE NOTE – Price for this item is per single stone