Blue Chalcedony
The Key Words to describe Blue Chalcedony are: Calm; balance; centredness; inner knowledge; communication Blue Chalcedony’s Element is Water It works on the Throat Chakra (5th) and the Third Eye Chakra (6th)
APPEARANCE: Transparent or opaque. Sometimes banded. All sizes
ATTRIBUTES: Blue Chalcedony is a creative stone. It opens the mind to assimilate new ideas and helps acceptance of new situations. Blue Chalcedony imparts mental flexibility and verbal dexterity, enhancing listening skills and communication. Blue Chalcedony stimulates the ability to learn new languages and gives a feeling of light-heartedness and optimism.
SPIRITUAL MEANING: Blue Chalcedony helps with divine communication, speech and channelling work. It assists in repairing the energy field and sealing leaks or holes.
EMOTIONAL MEANING: For those who experience frequent bouts of irrational anger, fear, panic or anxiety, Blue Chalcedony can assist in calming these emotional patterns and dissolving them in the energy field. For those who tend to speak before considering the impact of their words, this ally helps you become more conscious of your words and the tone of your voice.
POSITION: Position on body as appropriate for healing.
PLEASE NOTE – Price for this item is per single stone